Tom Parker is an internationally recognized expert on counterterrorism, transitional justice and human rights, with a background in war crimes investigations, intelligence operations, and post-conflict societies on four continents.

Tom Parker
Avoiding the Terrorist Trap
Tom Parker is currently the Chief of Party of a European Union project providing assistance to the Office of the National Security Adviser in Baghdad, Iraq. Tom has previously served as an adviser on human rights and counter-terrorism to United Nations Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force (CTITF), as the Policy Director for Terrorism, Counterterrorism and Human Rights for Amnesty International USA, as a war crimes investigator for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) working in the field in Bosnia and Kosovo, and as an Intelligence Officer in the British Security Service (MI5). As an independent consultant he has worked on transitional justice and security sector reform projects on four continents, and was one of the principal authors of the UN’s Preventing Violent Extremism Plan of Action. Tom has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses on international terrorism in Yale University’s Residential College Seminar Program, Bard College’s Globalization and International Affairs Program, and the National Defense University at Fort Bragg. He is a graduate of the London School of Economics (BSc), the University of Leiden (LLM) and Brown (AM), and has held research fellowships at Yale and Duke universities.

The author visiting Operation Safe Corridor in North East Nigeria in 2021